Today I read through the latest issue "Get Creative" Magazine. This is an Aussie magazine that comes out monthly and its philosophy is to encourage and inspire everyone to have a go at expressing themselves creatively. Whether you are a beginner or experienced artist, alone or with a group of friends - the magazine provides different projects for all skill levels. It also includes interviews with artists/crafters, provides step-by-step instructions for different projects and as well as articles on helping to market your work.
This month they have an article on different ways you can go about starting a home business for your art - which is very exciting and something that can be a goal for all of us! The article includes an interview with a fellow Etsy seller - Peta Pledger. A stay at home mum who " makes one off pieces and small runs of pretty garments & accessories influenced by the 1950's, Melbourne's Tattoo Culture and Rock n' Roll". Checkout some of her beautiful work here.
Some of the suggestions that the article mentioned include:
* Using various social networking sites (myspace, blogspot, facebook, flickr etc) to spread the good word about your work
* Selling at local and specialized craft markets. Finding your niche.
* Having an Online store without the headaches associated with traditional 'bricks and mortar' stores eg: Etsy, Madeit, Dawanda etc etc.
One of the great points of the article however was that no matter how or where you choose to market your work, it is important to realise that YOU are the most important and unique part of what you produce. People love to know about the artist, they love to interact and get to know your process or what inspires you. In an overgrowing handmade market, the way you sell yourself is as important as what you create. So in the following weeks I will do some research and look at some interesting ways that artists are doing just that - and share it will you all here via our blog. until next time...... xox claudes
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