Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Easter Goodies from Etsy.......
For some Easter goodies that wont add inches to your waistline -here are some beauties I found recently:

Bon Bon Bunny by Tumus

Easter nest pendant by The Man Trap

Bunny Tea Towel by Artgoodies

Chick Mini circle tags by Pacokeco
Have a safe and happy easter everyone....and consume chockies responsibly ;-)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Recap on the Stitches and Craft show 2009 - Melbourne 10-14 March

This year marked the very first show organized by Living Creatively - and judging by the comments on many of the blogs who reported on the event - it seems they did a fantastic job!
The show in Melbourne was held at the Melbourne Showground and unlike past shows they put a fresh spin on what many thought in the past was a 'tired and cluttered' show (having been to a couple of the Sydney shows in the past, I tend to agree).
So you can imagine how super excited I am to see what treasures the show will hold this year when it hits Sydney. A group of us plan on going this year to check it out. So put these dates in your diary and look out for further details regarding our 'meet up'
Sydney Stitches and Craft show : Rosehill Gardens 19-23 August.
Brisbane Stitches and Craft show: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre 29 April to 3 May
Here are some pretty pictures courtesy of Julie Knoblock's blog:

To check out more photos from the show on flickr click here.

Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Join our brand spanking new FACEBOOK group!

Ladies - we have created a brand new Facebook Group. An invitation has been sent to all of you. We hope you join. This will make it much much easier for us to share the happenings and exciting activities we have planned for Creative Fusion! We are both working very hard to get as many of you involved so that we can all share and inspire each other.
As mentioned in our first newsletter, we plan to have interviews with members, some group challenges, competitions and ofcourse, always share as much information as possible to help you all to start and develop your creativity.
We also encourage you all to participate in the group. Add comments and links and also if you want to share photos, please let us know.
claudes and lin
Thursday, March 19, 2009
For the Kids
Many of us are mothers, carers or have little ones in our lives. And what a huge job it is to know that you are a great influence in this little person's life.
In the traditional sense, children learn all sorts of skills, as well as behaviour by interacting with others at school. Some schools even encourage children in their weekly, or daily art exploration.
Here are some ways you can help those little beings in your life to continue the process of creation at home, where they are most relaxed and are available to create what they enjoy:
- Offer a base from which the child can grow, such as discussing with them your own creative childhood adventures with the paintbrush, the mud pies or the lego.
- Let them colour, but let them go outside the lines :) How often have we been told to colour within the lines? Perhaps that statement really meant something deeper.
- Get excited about rites of passage, religious/pagan festivals, birthdays, etc. and start a project for one with your child. Having a date to work towards encourages the child to finish their project.

- Encourage your child to go handmade at gift giving times. Bring back the importance of having a gift which means something, rather than one you give with a receipt in case it's wrong.
- With Autumn here, go frolicking in the falling leaves and plan a project for the cooler months with your child. You'd be amazed with what they can see when finding objects.
- Most importantly, display your children's work. Not only will they be proud of something they have created, it will encourage them to create more. Of course, the many pages they give us with 'I love you mum' or 'this is me this is mum this is dad this is cat' don't always fit on the fridge! Perhaps sit down one day and collate these with your child into a big book they can always add to or flip through. And presto you have a history of their work, and can see their artistic growth through the years.
Spread creativity to your children and enjoy your little beings!
Lin x
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Step by Step....not just a NKOTB Song....
So last week I decided to finally start on a project that I had read about last year - a collapsible macro light box (you can read about it all in my blog here)
The project was relatively simple and made more so by step-by-step instructions I found on a cool site called "Instructables". They have a wide range of projects to tap into your creative side - art, music, cooking, recycling projects etc. Heaps of stuff which you can have a go making. You never know what skills or interests you uncover....
1. How to do Paper Mache.
Be green and crafty at the same time. Here is a talented artist doing wonderful things with this technique:

2. Screen printing for under $10!! (or in the case of us Aussies under $15 ;-)
9 Steps from creating the screen through to printing and cleaning up. Its rough but simple and for a $15 investment, its not bad. Here is a bag I found recently online:

Some of the Creative Fusion members also have given Screen Printing and other crafts a go. So come and share in their stories at our inaugural Creative Fusion Morning Tea which is being held on Sunday 29 March, at the EJ Ward Community Centre in Paddington. Here is the invitation if you have not already seen it:

3. Rubik's Cube style pincushion
Using one of my favourite craft materials - felt! Its easy to cut, paste and sew. Comes in a variety of colours and adds a retro look to a plain old pin cushion.

We look forward to sharing more stories and ideas with you all at the morning tea! Hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Happy Days!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Creative Fusion March Newsletter Prep!
A quick note to let you know we are looking to approach one of you for our 'Artist Chat' in the next issue of the newletter, so please do be forthcoming in your answers :) We will also ask you to provide shots of your work, as well as your contact details (etsy/ebay/blog/flickr/sit
Happy Arting and looking forward to seeing you on March 29!
Lin x
Friday, March 6, 2009
This week from the Markets - Glebe.
Wall stickers - An easy way to update a wall, add a bit of glam to your bedroom, create whimsy in your little ones bedroom - or simply make a statement. These are Australian Made and come in a variety of colours and designs.

I am obsessed with Kokeshi dolls....as soon as we have our own apartment - i have plans for some of these ones.....too cute!

Glebe Markets are on every Saturday. So grab a group of girlfriends, or just go on your own - a great place to find lots of little treasures. Enjoy your weekend ladies......
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Following last week's topic for showing off one's work, let's continue with Moo.com (Thanks Paula!).
A UK company, Moo, offer great, unique ways to hand out business cards, minicards, postcards and more! Upload a vast range of your own images to the site and presto! you have your own unique business cards displaying your work!
Whether you're an artist who paints and wants to send some samples to a gallery, a photographer who needs to network, a quilter who wants to share your passion, a cake maker who needs something to hand out when people ask 'who made this?!', Moo can cater for you.
I've uploaded one image, and produced 100 cards from this. They act as my sculpt's contact cards for people who are interested in purchasing my work. They are cute (2.8cmx7xm), and easy to store.
The beauty of Moo is that each card can be completely different. If you've made 100 cakes, upload your pics of each cake, and you'll have a unique set of cards to hand out to potential order-makers.
If you're design savvy and can create your own digital image, why not try uploading these? You'll be able to showcase your talent with the computer, as well as network with people!
Moo also offer a range of other goodies, such as Sticker Books, Greeting cards, Note cards and Festive cards. It makes packing your work interesting and delights the purchaser when they receive it.
Below is the link to the products they offer:
Go Wild and Enjoy!
Lin x
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Creative Idea for Sharing your Work!
Ladies be at the ready! Armed and prepared to show off your work! When asked what you do, hit them with a well presented photo flip book!
There are many companies offering coffee book photo albums, which are a fantastic way to display holiday pics. But did you know they are also am amazing way to make a visual presentation of your art work? Photo books come in many different sizes and qualities. There are hardcover books which have a wonderfully professional look. I have used these many a time to collate photographs from holidays. It's lovely to be able to share these with others, something different to sitting round the laptop! I've also used photoflips - little 9x7 (or thereabouts) cards which flip out and show my art work. They are small enough to fit into my wallet and are great ways of continuing the conversation when others mention my work.
Below are some links of great products one can use to display their own works:
Album Printer Hardcover books:http://www.albumprinter.com.au/products-albums.html
Big W Photo Books (great value)http://www.bigwphotos.com.au/html/order_digital_photo_gifts_photo_books.asp
Just download the program, arrange your photos and upload them back to the site, enter your payment details and your product will be sent to you!
Album Printer have a 7 day turnaround from uploading to you receiving the book. Big W have a 7-10 turnaround and you have the option to get it delivered to you, or pickup at your local store. They will also place a friendly call to you when it has arrived at the shop.
I'm hoping to have a small one done by Big W by the time we have our Creative Fusion gathering. Perhaps you may have enough time to collate your own work to share for the day as well?
Lin x
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Upcoming Shows, Markets, exhibitions - Dates for your Diary......

With only a couple of days left till the end of summer, here are some upcoming events to get you out of the house and into the creative spirit. If you visit any shows or markets PLEASE take some pictures and upload them to the Creative Fusion group on Facebook. Share your thoughts, write a note even! We love hearing from you all.
* Shows *
Heritage Craft Fair
1 March
St. Ives Showground
Mona Vale Road, St. Ives.
$5 parking (per vehicle)
Vintage Show
April 17-19
Canterbury Race Course
Tickets : $12 at the door
*Exhibitions *
Pop the Question - A collission of pop music and graphic art
27 Feb - 11 March
China Heights Gallery - NEW location 257 Crown Street Darlinghurst
Kate Hopkinson-Pointer
24 February - 7 March
Iain Dawson Gallery
72a Windsor street Paddington
* New and Funky *
Check out the recently opened Berkelouw Books in Newtown. Beautiful lights, exposed brick and beams. A truly beautiful building. Upstairs you will find a used and rare vintage books section as well as a coffee shop. Downstairs new books, gifts and lots of art for sale.
The shop is open Monday - Saturday 10am – 10pm and Sunday 10am – 9pm
address: 6-8 O'Connell Street Newtown
* Market of the Month - Glebe. *
I will visit the market this weekend and report back with whats new and whats happening there in 2009! Look out for my next blog instalment.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The recent 'postponement' of our very first CF day has brought with it the obvious dose of sadness. However in addition, a healthy dose of expansion and growth has accompanied it. Not only are we looking forward to finding a venue we can call 'our own', we are excited at the prospect of having a haven (virtually and physically) where others can come for that Creative Refuge.
Learning to see things as a positive is always difficult, however I believe with practice, when one starts to see things in an artistic and creative light, possibilities emerge. Solutions we did not think of before are now made aware to us. Or better yet - WE are aware. For we have now taken on a new set of blinkers, applying our talents and passions to how we look at everyday life. This is why I believe in Art and Creation. It is not only the production of a work, it is a way in which we can teach our children and those around us to look at life - for when we encounter all sorts of experiences, we can choose to look at them logically, or creatively. The pebble clouds my vision when I hold it up to my eye, but when I throw it back on the ground, it takes its place amongst the others as the path I travel through my creative life.
So let's see this little hiccup as a pebble, one of the many hiccups we will encounter on our artistic journey. And let's paint those pebbles along the way ;) Lin x
PS. Newsletter coming!!!!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Amour is in the air......
Valentines Day, whether you celebrate it or not, is just around the corner. A day not just for florists, chocolatiers and Hallmark to celebrate but Etsy artists as well! Here are some funky, talented and unique pieces found recently that celebrate the international day of lurrrrve.
Honey the Valentines Mouse - from TheHouseOfMouse

Check out the Valentine's Day Showcase which is updated daily for more lovelies......
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Ambition to Meaning
I thought of you girls, and how our creative paths, sabbaticals and sojourns are all directing us to absorb and expand the meaning of our art. Perhaps some are troubled with the idea of a 'proper career', or what their heart strings pull at time and time again.
As Carl Jung says: "Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of life. Worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie."
What our art will bring us, and what it wants to be expressed as will always change, there is no formula nor set rule for the next phase of your creative life. However being open to that notion will always guide one in the direction of flourishment. So enjoy this if you get the chance to watch it!
There is only one YOU....so make it count!

Today I read through the latest issue "Get Creative" Magazine. This is an Aussie magazine that comes out monthly and its philosophy is to encourage and inspire everyone to have a go at expressing themselves creatively. Whether you are a beginner or experienced artist, alone or with a group of friends - the magazine provides different projects for all skill levels. It also includes interviews with artists/crafters, provides step-by-step instructions for different projects and as well as articles on helping to market your work.
This month they have an article on different ways you can go about starting a home business for your art - which is very exciting and something that can be a goal for all of us! The article includes an interview with a fellow Etsy seller - Peta Pledger. A stay at home mum who " makes one off pieces and small runs of pretty garments & accessories influenced by the 1950's, Melbourne's Tattoo Culture and Rock n' Roll". Checkout some of her beautiful work here.
Some of the suggestions that the article mentioned include:
* Using various social networking sites (myspace, blogspot, facebook, flickr etc) to spread the good word about your work
* Selling at local and specialized craft markets. Finding your niche.
* Having an Online store without the headaches associated with traditional 'bricks and mortar' stores eg: Etsy, Madeit, Dawanda etc etc.
One of the great points of the article however was that no matter how or where you choose to market your work, it is important to realise that YOU are the most important and unique part of what you produce. People love to know about the artist, they love to interact and get to know your process or what inspires you. In an overgrowing handmade market, the way you sell yourself is as important as what you create. So in the following weeks I will do some research and look at some interesting ways that artists are doing just that - and share it will you all here via our blog. until next time...... xox claudes
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A simple but exciting idea......Project 365

Hi all! Hope you are all enjoying the first few weeks of the new year. For all the mum's who are getting ready to send the kids back to school, I also hope you are putting some thought and dreaming up ideas of what you will do (creatively) once you have a little more time to yourself . I wanted to share a project that I am doing for myself, and which has so far inspired lots of friends to start their own. It is called Project 365 and can be followed via my blog.
Simply - take one photo a day of anything you want so at the end of the year you have 365 photos - one representing each day.
The reason I wanted to do this was to help keep me looking at the world thru creative eyes, and allow the flow of ideas, colours, styles etc to keep coming every day this year. I figure the more aware I become of my surroundings, the more inspired and excited my art/craft creations will become. So far I have been taking more than one picture every day which has been even more exciting, and shows how simple it can be. So I encourage you all to start your own project. Whether its taking a picture of a pretty colour you see, or a building, or a tree, or the ocean or a sunset or a dish you have made for dinner - whatever - take it and save it to a file on your computer. After the first month you will have 30 odd photos and you will soon start to see what it is that your eye finds attractive. This can help you to find your next Art/Craft project for 2009.
I encourage you to share your photos via the Creative Fusion group on Facebook. You never know, your picture may not only inspire you, but all the other members of the group!

Here are a couple of mine ;-

Jan 1 - Sunrise
Jan 3 - Yellow
Jan 11 - Pearls